Monday, December 1, 2008

The bravest thing I ever done

The bravest thing I ever done was help my friend when her boyfriend was beating on her.
It all started in 9th grade and I had met a girl name Aaliyah. She started to talk to me and become my friend. She was a white girl and she told me that she had a black boyfriend. She was really in love with this boy and she couldn't get enough of him.
One day she came to school and I saw a bruise on her arm. Well, I was furious and I wanted to know what had happened to her. She had told me that her boyfriend Michael had hit her but he said that he would never hit her again.
I found him and I asked why did he put his hands on her and he said that it was none of my business. I told him that I was going to tell someone then he threatened me and said that he was going to get me next if I told. I told my boyfriend and he said that he would handle it. I told him that I wanted to handle it myself and I did. I told some teachers and they told me that it was brave of me to step up and say something. Aaliyah was upset with me for a while but then she realized that I might have just saved her life....


South Side Diva said...

You was a very brave person for that and a loyal friend i'm glad u=you have courage enough to go tell someone and not worry about if she would get mad or not because like you said you might have just saved her life

toni8621 said...

ahhhh that was heart warming. oooh you soo brave and you shouldva told her about herself for being mad at you. a boy aint everything. you go girlllll