Wednesday, December 17, 2008

what i like most about myself....

i like a lot of things about myself, and i feel that they really stand out. i like that i am very persuasive and i can make people do things that they usually won't do. there have been a lot of times when a person would clearly tell me no, but i would twist their words and make it as if they said that they would give me what i want. i also love my smile because it makes other people smile. every since i was a little girl, people would comment on my smile. i love to walk up yo one of my friends and smile when they're sad just so they could smile. for some reason i hate to smile on a picture because it looks so phony to me, but the picture still looks beautiful. there are a lot of things about me that i like, but my smile and my ability to persuade is what i like the most.

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