Monday, January 5, 2009

what i did over winter break

I had a lot of fun over the winter vacation. I did a lot of things that are too interesting to mention. I visited some of my friends, I went out to eat, I went to the movies, and I spent time with my family. I went to see my God daughter and she has gotten very big. I went shopping for her because I think that she deserves every thing. When I wasn't outside, I was in the house on the phone with my friend Eddie. We talked about everything including prom. I tried to bring up the chance for us to be together but he says "I'm not ready." I don't know how much longer I can fall for that and I hope that he can make up his mind soon. Christmas was like every other Christmas, I spent it with my family. New year's eve was a fun day for me because my friends got to meet my family and they found out how fun they could be. I hope that my next winter vacation could be as fun.

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