Thursday, September 25, 2008

Finding Love

I went to search for love in the oddest of places
Some times in the smiles and frowns of unknown faces.
When I finally found love
Love hated me
It treated me as if I wasn't where it wanted to be
And even though we tried to communicate
All I got out of love was hate.

Love pulled me in it's storm of pain and sorrow,
Love made me wish for no tomorrow.
Love lost me when I opened my eyes to see
That the love I had found didn't find me.

Love pushed me away but I couldn't reject it.
And now I want love to die so that I can disect it.
But love didn't die
It just grew into a deeper pain,
A harsher feeling,
A longer strain.
So as my hunger for love grew into a dying thirst
It was then where I found that I must find me first.

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