Thursday, September 25, 2008

Finding Love

I went to search for love in the oddest of places
Some times in the smiles and frowns of unknown faces.
When I finally found love
Love hated me
It treated me as if I wasn't where it wanted to be
And even though we tried to communicate
All I got out of love was hate.

Love pulled me in it's storm of pain and sorrow,
Love made me wish for no tomorrow.
Love lost me when I opened my eyes to see
That the love I had found didn't find me.

Love pushed me away but I couldn't reject it.
And now I want love to die so that I can disect it.
But love didn't die
It just grew into a deeper pain,
A harsher feeling,
A longer strain.
So as my hunger for love grew into a dying thirst
It was then where I found that I must find me first.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

What bugs me

Alot of things bug me, and some bug me more than others. Since I'm a very picky person the things that bug me are simple things to other people.It bugs me when people talk about other people then they get all in that person's face when they see them. I was walking with my friend one day when she started to talk about one of her ex-friends. She told me about how the girl lived in a dirty house with rats every where. She started to tell me about how the girl got pregnant but didn't know who the father was.She even told me that the girl wasn't fit to be a human being let alone a mother. Then the girl started to walk down the street and they hugged and started to talk about some one else so I just walked away.
One other thing that bugs me more then other things is the fact that people don't train their kids. unfit parents shouldn't be able to have kids because they let their kids disrespect them in every possible way. I met a lady one day in the shoe store. She was walking with her two kids. Long story short, she got them every thing they wanted because they cried for it. I really hate that.